Kecoughtan Lodge 25th Anniversary Celebration
Historical Trail Scripts |
The following scripts were developed for an Historical Trail event during at the 25th Anniversary Celebration, September 17-19, 1976 held at Camp Chickahominy. Scans of the original scripts are available as a 980K PDF document for those who would like to see the original typewritten pages.
The text version below (created by scanning the pages and using optical character recognition software) is provided for faster reading of this fascinating history and to help search engines locate this data so that others might find it in their quest to learn more about Kecoughtan Lodge and the Order of the Arrow in Peninsula Council. Special thanks to George Bains, Chairman of the 25th Anniversary event, for providing the original copies of these documents to make them available on this web site. |
KECOUGHTAN LODGE #463 11725 JEFFERSON AVENUE NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23606 507 N. Roosevelt Blvd. Apt. C-524 Falls Church, Virginia 22044 May 12, 1976 Mr. Sam W. Fairchild 108 Dilts Drive Newport News, Virginia 23602 Dear Sam: You will find enclosed an elaborated copy of the 25th Anniversary Historic Trail script based upon what was ascertained at the meeting of the 25th Anniversary Committee held on April 3, l976. Even though this copy is far from the proof necessary for publication of an article of this nature, it should be sufficient to serve the purpose of the Historic Trail. However, before publishing the Lodge history, considerably more effort must be put into this manuscript to make it flow more evenly and to avoid repetition of descriptive terms. As time permits, I will take the liberty to improve the quality of the product. If at any time, you determine that some historical sketch is missing or inaccurately described, please inform me promptly, Yours in cheerful service, E. Lewis Andrews 25th Anniversary Advisor cc:4 George Bains Rone Baldwin Wade Davidson file |
Station 1 Describing the year l976 (incomplete). LODGE CHIEF_______________ UNIT_____ The 25th Anniversary Year opened with Lodge members busily and anxiously preparing for the 25th Anniversary celebration in September under the leadership of Rone Baldwin, Lodge Chief, and George Bains, 25th Anniversary Chairman. For the first time since the adoption of the Lodge flap patch in 1955, there was a significant change authorized in it for this year only. A color transposition was made between the silver and the black. These patches were available to all members in any quantity but only through advance sub- scription. Of particular interest, was a special trip by four members of the Lodge (Rone Baldwin, Sam Fairchild, Peter Holman, and Lewis Andrews) to Penney Farms, Florida for a personal and highly informal afternoon with the Founder of the Order of the Arrow, Dr. E. Urner Goodman. Dr. Goodman provided the contingent with a tape recording of the interview and an emotional challenge to the Lodge for its 25th Anniversary. The Indian Dance Team, Ceremonial Committee, Camping Promotions members, and staff members of the KECOUGHTAN KRYER participated in the 2nd annual Section SEl Indian Seminar and 'Workshop held at Fort Belvoir, Virginia in March and hosted by Amangamek-Wipit Lodge #470. For the eight consecutive year, Kecoughtan Lodge was chartered as a National Standard Lodge based on its accomplishments during 1975. |
Station 2 Describing the year 1975. LODGE CHIEF_______________ UNIT_____ The year 1975 was highlighted by the first annual Section SEl Indian Seminar, held at Camp Chickahominy in March. Nearly all of the planning and execution was done by Lodge members, as Kecoughtan hosted 200 delegates. Concurrent with the Seminar, the Newsletter Advisory Committee participated in a training workshop for the Section editors, resulting in one of the more successful and effective programs ever for publications. Mike Kinzie, Past Pamunkey Chapter Chief, was appointed to fill the Section Chief vacancy left by Bruce Sanders of Blue Heron Lodge when Bruce assumed his new duties as Southeast Region Chief. That summer, the Lodge sent a full delegation to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. There delegates learned of the new induction approach suggested by the National Committee. Eager to implement this new program, Rone Baldwin, Lodge Chief from Post 48, appointed an ad-hoc committee to guide its use in the Lodge program. Also, at the Conference, Lodge members staffed the Bicentennial Show in acting, costuming, technical, and service capacities. At the Christmas Banquet in December l975, the 25th Anniversary Award requirements were released to the members, and much was done in promoting this once-in-a-lifetime award. It was at this banquet, that two 25th Anniversary Achievement Awards were given to two members who had, during the first 25 years of the Lodge, given unselfishly of their time and talents in the capacity of young man and adult. The young man recipient was Larry Sutton of Troop 57. The adult recipient was Walter F. Deal, Jr. of Post 48. |
Station 3 Describing the years 1973 and 1974. LODGE CHIEF (1973)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (l974)_______________ UNIT_____ The new sectional structure of the Order of the Arrow received a fine polishing by Section Chief and long-time Kecoughtan friend, Tom Webb of Blue Heron Lodge. Past Lodge Chief, Sam Fairchild, initiated and chaired a Section-level advisory board for newsletter editors, aiding in the pub- lication of Lodge newsletters and endeavoring to improve the quality of Section SEl publications, In the summer of 1973, our Lodge delegates flew with other delegates from the Section to the National Order of the Arrow Conference in Santa Barbara, California. At the 1973 Christmas banquet, the Brothers approved the E. Bailey Tudder Camping Scholarship Fund, set up to provide underpriviledged Scouts an opportunity to attend summer camp at Camp Chickahominy. Money for the fund is generated from the annual patch auctions. Del Croom, Past Lodge Chief, won election as the Section Secretary in l974. He became the fifth Lodge member of Kecoughtan to attain Area or Section status. At the 1974 Section SEl Conclave, Chris Currier placed first in the solo Indian Dance Competition. At the same Conclave, our Lodge won approval to host the first Indian Seminar, a concept initiated by members of our own dance team, . In November 1974, E. Bailey Tudder resigned after an illustrious tenure as Lodge Lay Advisor. Scout Executive, Llewellyn Jordan appointed Past Council Commissioner, Col. Ralph Hanchin as the new Lodge Lay Advisor. At the 1974 Christmas banquet, Mr. Tudder was awarded the first 25th Anniversary Achievement Award for his contributions toward the continued development of Kecoughtan Lodge. 1973 Father & Son Christmas Banquet (first) |
Station 4 Describing the years 1971 and. 1972. LODGE CHIEF(1971)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(1972)_______________ UNIT_____ At this time, Kecoughtan Lodge was very busy preparing for the Area III-C Pow-Wow in 1972. Co-ordinator Alan Spaulding, of Troop 48, and Advisor Walter F. Deal, Jr., of Post 48, headed a committee of the Lodge's finest. Members watched in earnest as the newly-approved dining hall rose from a large concrete foundation beside the commissary at camp. The Lodge donated the fireplace in the dining hall, which now houses several of the Lodge's treasures. This was also our 20th Anniversary year, but this fact received little attention as all efforts were aimed at the upcoming Pow-Wow. In the summer of 1971, the Lodge did send a delegation to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at the University of Illinois. Also, during this year, the Lodge publication, KECOUGHTAN KRYER, achieved Area promi- nence, as editor Sam Fairchild, of Post 345 accepted, the Virginia Press Association award for Best Newsletter of 1970-1971. The Pow-Wow, first ever hosted by our Lodge, was in April 1972, as Kecoughtan Arrowmen hosted over 400 Area delegates at Camp Chickahominy. The week-end proved to be a drenching experience, but excellent pre-planning by the Pow-Wow committee avoided any blurs on an otherwise perfect training and fellowship event. Competition in the Area was very good for the Lodge as the KRYER was again named Best Newsletter. Vincent West, a Past Lodge Chief, took first place in the Solo Dance Competition, and the Team Competi- tion first place award also was captured by our Lodge. The summer of 1972 witnessed, the best attendance for summer camp at Chickahominy, partly due to the efforts of Chapter Camping Promotions. The re-organization of the Lodge Service Committee occurred in 1972. Wayne Leiss systematically revamped the system of Lodge service into an efficient, effective, and viable approach to Ordea1 management. The system has gone through several modifications, but remains basically the same as envisioned in 1972. |
Station 5 Describing the years 196?, 1968, 1969, 1970. LODGS CHIEF(1967)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(l968)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(1969)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(1970)_______________ UNIT_____ In 1967, Bob Massie, soon-to-be Lodge Vice Chief, led an expedition of Lodge members to a site northeast of Campsite #2 at Camp Chlckahominy. Work soon began on this ceremonial ground, and the culmination of that effort can be appreciated every Ordeal, as Brothers gather in a beautiful natural am- phitheatre to induct new members. During this year, E. Bailey Tudder assumed the reigns of Lodge Lay Advisor from Dr. Bragg. Mr. Tudder embarked on a strengthening campaign that immeasurably changed the extent and intensity of Lodge Administration. Also, in 1967, the Lodge was represented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference at the University of Nebraska. In 1968, the Lodge organized many programs into smaller Chapters. The Eastern District was headed by Dan Pritchard, Allogagan Chapter Chief. Pam- lico Chapter Chief, Bob Lawson, organized his Arrowmen to aid the program of the Central District. Don Leiss started the wheels rolling in the Western District with the Kiskiack Chapter, Lowaneau Allanque Chapter served the Northern Star District under the leadership of _____________________. The year 1968 proved to be successful for the Lodge in Area competition. Kecoughtan won the Display Competition, while the KRYER, under the editorship of Cliff Sleeman, of Troop 49, placed first in the Virginia Press Association competition as Best Newsletter. That year also marked the initial presentation to the Lodge of the National Standard Lodge Award. We have retained the award every year since its inception and are currently only 1 of 4 Lodges in the Nation that can boast of that achievement. In 1969, our new ceremonial ring was inaugurated at the Winter Ordeal. Chris Smith, a two-time Lodge Chief, challenged a record number of candidates (135) to a life of cheerful service in the Order. In the summer of that year, the Lodge sent a record number of delegates (___) to the Area III-C Pow-Wow at the State Fairgrounds hosted by Nawakwa Lodge #3. The Lodge dance team placed first under the auspices of Roger Mills, while the Lodge display picked up a top-seated ribbon for its award-winning effectiveness. That summer, our Lodge continued its tradition of fielding a delegation to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Indiana University. In l970, the Council re-organized the District geography, so the Lodge changed its Chapter structure to fit the Council alterations. Lowaneau Allanque served the Colonial District under the leadership of Larry Lee. Kiskiack Chapter remained relatively unchanged and prospered under the direction of Bruce Brown. Eastern and Central Districts became the Hampton District, and Pamunkey Chapter was born with Andy Hess at the helm. Gloucester and Mathews retained the District title of Northern Star, and Keith Webb chaired the Chapter on the Middle Peninsula. At the Area Kitchen Kabinet meeting in November l970, we accepted a bid to host the 1972 Area III-C Pow-Wow, a choice that shaped the Lodge structure for several years to come. |
Station 6 Describing the years 1965 and 1966. LODGE CHIEF(l965)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(l966)_______________ UNIT_____ The Order celebrated, its 50th Anniversary in 1965, as Lodge members fulfilled, the requirements for the 50th Anniversary Achievement Award. Over 25% of the Lodge was successful in this endeavor. Also, in l965, our delegates were among the thousands at the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Indiana University. This year also marked the beginning of the construction of Camp Chickahominy on the Peninsula Scout Reservation. Many uncounted hours were logged by Lodge members and Council Scouters in erecting camp buildings, landscaping troop campsites, and constructing the man-made lake. It was at this time that Walter F. Deal, Jr., of Post 48, was called upon to fulfill the duties of Lodge Lay Advisor due to the illness of our long-time Advisor, Walter Strode. In 1966, Camp Chickahominy was initiated. Several hundred Scouts camped in the Pioneer week, followed by a full eight weeks of summer camp. The Lodge was again able to hold functions on camp property following an eighteen-month absence from a Scout Camp. Two significant personnel actions occurred in 1966. Harry Maney, of Post 48, became the Lodge's second Area Vice Chief, and Dr. L.P. Bragg was selected as the new Lodge Lay Advisor. |
Station 7 Describing the years 1963 and 1964. LODGE CHIEF(l963)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF(l964)_______________ UNIT_____ In 1963 Kecoughtan Lodge again sponsored a contingent to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at the University of Illinois. Lewis Andrews, already twice a Lodge Chief, was elected to an unpre- cedented third term as Lodge Chief. At the Area III-C Pow-Wow held at Camp Powhatan in the Fall of 1963, the Lodge walked away with first place in the Display Competition. Also, at this conclave, Lewis Andrews became the second Kecoughtan Brother to be elected Area Chief. He presided over the conference in 1964 at Camp Monocan. In the Fall of 1963, the Lodge held its first Fall Fellowship Expedi- tion outside of the Council. The event took place at the Little Creek Naval Base in Virginia Beach. The year 1964 marked the closing of Camp Okee after its 21 years of faithful tenure as the center of Scout camping in the Council. Oliver H. Perry, III was the last candidate tapped-out at the Camp and Lodge members watched as the ashes from the last campfire were placed in a jar to be ceremoniously transferred to the new Camp Chickahominy two years later. |
Station 8 Describing the years 1959, 1960, 1961, and 1962. LODGE CHIEF (1959)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (i960)_______________ UNIT_____ LODG3 CHISF (1961)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1962)_______________ UNIT_____ Frank Ferguson, of Troop 40, and the 1958 Lodge Chief, was inducted into the Vigil Honor. He was the second Kecoughtan Brother accorded this honor. His ceremony was conducted at Camp Darden under the direction of the Blue Heron Lodge, our mother Lodge. The Vigil Honor was again the highlight of 1960 as four Lodge members received their Vigil at Camp Darden. This marked the last time the Vigil Honor ceremony for our Lodge would be conducted by another Lodge. In 1961, Tom Stainback, of Post 48, placed first at the Area III-C Pow-Wow in solo Indian dance competition. It was also in this year that our Lodge resumed attendance at the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Indiana University. Since that resumption in 1961, Kecoughtan has been represented, at every subsequent national conference. The year 1962 opened with talk of replacing Camp Okee, which the Council officers believed to be too small for the growing Scout population of the area. Lodge Scouters participated in the search for a new camp site, which finally centered on a 778-acre tract above Williamsburg. In June 1962, at Camp Okee, our Lodge held its first Vigil Honor induction on its own. Four Brothers were recipients at this time. At the 1962 Area III-C Pow-Wow at Camp Rock Enon, Kecoughtan swept first place in the Display Competition. At this same conference, Lewis Andrews of Post 48, was elected Area Vice Chief, our second Area officer and first Area Vice Chief. The name KECOUGHTAN KRYER was adopted for our newsletter through Lodge competition won by Allan Harvester of Troop 31. Additionally, this year marked the integration of the Lodge when Jim Cook of Troop 31 was inducted at Camp Okee. This year, as was 1958, witnessed remarkable growth and maturation for the Lodge. |
Station 9 Describing the years 1955, 1956, 1957, and 1958. LODGE CHIEF (1955)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1956)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1957)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1958)_______________ UNIT_____ Howard Minton, the 1955 Lodge Chief, found a new Lay Advisor when he entered his term. Walter M. Strode of Troop 53, an active Council Scouter and Jamboree leader, was chosen to replace the retiring G. Warren Taylor in this position. Mr. Strode went on to serve for 10 years in this capacity and added tremendously to the Lodge growth and direction during that time. Also, in l955 the new design for the Kecoughtan Lodge pocket flap patch was selected. Eddie Canada of Troop 40 submitted the winning design which has been faithfully retained to the present. In 1956, our Lodge won the Area III-C Pow-Wow patch design contest as our design was selected the official patch of that Pow-Wow. The Lodge dance team was the center of attention during 1958 led by Ralph Stinson of Post 48. At the Area III-C Pow-Wow that year, Ralph Stinson won the solo dance competition with a most memorable rendition of the Eagle Dance. Another highlight of 1958 was the induction of Kecoughtan's first Vigil Honor member, Charley White, the 1957 Lodge Chief. His Vigil induction took place at Camp Shenandoah at the direction of the Nawakwa Lodge #3. It was also at this Area III-C Pow-Wow that Charley White presided as Kecoughtan's first Area Chief, having been elected the previous year. This was indeed a most historical year for Kecoughtan. |
Station 10 Describing the years 1952, 1953, and 1954. LODGE CHIEF (1952)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1953)_______________ UNIT_____ LODGE CHIEF (1954)_______________ UNIT_____ In 1952, the Lodge, under the direction of Sam Soule, Chief, tendered a delegation to its first national event, the 1952 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Following this, the Lodge was absent from national events until 1961. When Region III was divided into areas, our own Area III-C was born. The new area held its first Pow-Wow at Camp Darden hosted by the Blue Heron Lodge. Kecoughtan was well-represented at this Pow-Wow as it was at all Area III-C Pow-Wows to follow. These years were camp-centered years. Much of the Arrow program was focused on Camp Okee and Camp James River. Camp improvements were prevalent of this era, and the Council's camp facili- ties benefited greatly from this emphasis. |
Station 11 Describing the Lodge organization and first self-held ceremony during the year 1951. LODGE CHIEF __________________ |
STATION 12 Describing the founding of the Lodge, the initiation of the first candidates at Camp Delmont and Camp Darden during the month of June 1951. |
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This web site is dedicated to the memory of E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on an Apple Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Please send corrections/additions/suggestions to . |
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