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Sincere thanks to: |
This site could not exist without the vast amount of work already done by others in compiling information about the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and its emblems.
I am deeply indebted to the late Dr. Ron Godby of Yorktown, VA for his authoritative compilation of Order of the Arrow Lodge issues for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Godby's research was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 listings in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog, published in 1996. This site is dedicated to Dr. Godby and the late E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Lodge Advisor for Kecoughtan 463 whose dedication to cheerful service was exceeded by no one. I encourage you to visit the Site Dedication Page for more details about the significant contributions these men made to Kecoughtan Lodge, Peninsula Council, and the national Scouting program. Below I have tried to list the names of people who have been instrumental in helping me in my effort to provide an online reference of the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and every emblem that it issued. If you helped out and aren't mentioned, please forgive my accidental omission and tell me so that I can correct it. |
Credits |
Jimmy Arthurs of Eswau Huppeday 560 provided scans of the 463 Vigil issues (s11 and s12) and the 1992 NOAC delegate flap (s32), as well as a scan of the 463 s1 flap. Jimmy also sent along a scan of the 1999 SR-7A Conclave flap from Lodge 333 and scans of many of the Chanco Lodge flap issues. George Bains, former Kecoughtan arrowman who served as Chairman of the Lodge's 25th Anniversary Celebration, provided meeting notes from the Anniversary Committee, a program from the event, scripts developed for the Historical Trail, an August 1976 edition of the Kecoughtan Kryer, and much more. Bart Bartels, formerly of Tidewater Council and Blue Heron Lodge, kindly provided scans of several Camp Chickahominy items, including the flap shaped "Trapper Trails" skill course patch. Greg Birch of Nentego 20 provided data which helped me fill in parts of the SE-1 Conclave chart. Chancie Crowder, formerly of Tutelo 161, loaned me the invaluable History to SE-8.Typeset with color photographs of Area and Section memorabilia inside each cover, this booklet includes the founding and history of not only SE-8 (which was only two years old at the time), but its predecessors Area III-C and Section SE-1. Chancie Crowder also loaned me some rare mug decals to scan from the 1972 Area III-C Pow Wow hosted by Kecoughtan Lodge, 1974 Section SE-1 Conclave hosted by Chanco 483, 1975 Section SE-1 Conclave hosted by Tutelo 161, and the 1971 Lodge 463 Winter Ordeal. Steve Delman provided the Colonial Virginia 1997 Jamboree Shoulder patch with the Yellow border. Be sure to check out Steve and Elisa Delman's excellent CSP reference The Boy Scout Council Shoulder Patch Guide. It's printed in gorgeous full color and features pictures of each Council's current CSP as well as information about what the patch design represents. I really enjoyed reading this book and learned a lot about the places my patches came from. Highly recommended for beginning and seasoned collectors alike. Joe Drumheller, Regional Editor for Virginia of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia catalog kindly provided me with checklists of activity patches for Kecoughtan and Chanco Lodges. David Edmonson of Lodge 333 kindly allowed me to borrow his 463 HP4 hat pin to scan for inclusion on this site. The HP4 issue is the round pin which features the design of the Pamunkey Chapter backpatch. Norman Effinger, former Kecoughtan Lodge Secretary, kindly provided me with the first name for Mattaponi Chapter: Lowaneu Allanque, which translates to "Northern Star," the name of the District it served. Norman also provided images of the 2006 Colonial Virginia "Friends of Scouting" CSP issues. Arvid Englund of Tutelo 161 filled up my mailbox with scans of Area III-C Pow Wow patches from 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1969, plus SE-1 conclave patches from 1975, 1980, 1981 and 1982, SE-8 conclave issues from 1983, 1984, and 1985, and finally SR-7A patches from 1998 and 1999. Tim Ewing , a former 463 Arrowman, kindly provided me with a thoughtful written tribute to Walter F. Deal, Jr. (known by many as "Daddy Deal") who served the Lodge in many capacities, including Lay Advisor from 1981-1983. Tim has also recently provided me with a staggering 26 megabytes of digital images of Kecoughtan memorabilia which I am working to add the site as I get time to sort through them. Sam Fairchild, Kecoughtan Lodge Chief from 1970-71 and Chairman of the 25th Anniversary Celebration in 1976, has been instrumental in clarifying the history of Lodge 463 and the circumstances surrounding many emblem issues. Be sure to read the great early Lodge emblem history he sent me. Sam also loaned the informative Area III-C Manual of Lodges and Silver Acorns references for me to copy and make available on this site, as well as many rare and valuable patches so I could make their images available on this web site. Sam also authored the Council Camps history for Peninsula and Old Dominion Area Councils on the Council Camps page. James Flatt helped me get most of the Kecoughtan Lodge rounds into my collection, as well as the X2 "rocker" segment. C.J. Garst, a former Kecoughtan Arrowman who worked on staff at Camp Chickahominy in 1990 and 1991 provided ten megabytes of images including Chickahominy patches from 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1991-Staff, and a "Handy Hank" patch which he tells me was awarded for assisting Hank, the Camp Chickahominy Ranger. C.J. also sent along scans of several hat pins and many Lodge 463 activity patches, as well as providing a wealth of information about Kecoughtan Lodge history in the early 90's. Barry Green of Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 assisted with identification and numbering of recent Lodge 333 issues. I have heard that Barry has an excellent display of Wahunsenakah patches which I hope to be able to see in person some day. Barry collaborates with Joe Drumheller (Regional Editor for the Blue Book) on Virginia OA issues. Junior Harrell, a former member of Chanco Lodge now operating the Broad Creek Fishing Center on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, generously provided originals of the 1971 Lodge Bylaws and the History of Chanco Lodge 483 which was published on the occasion of their 20th Anniversary in 1972. Albertus Hoogeveen, author of the acclaimed Arapaho 2000 comprehensive reference to Order of the Arrow issues, has provided valuable assistance in making sure the lists on this site correspond to his latest edition, and has been a true collecting friend since I was in high school! Pete James of Amangamek-Wipit Lodge provided scans of rare parking passes from the 1962 and 1965 Area III-C Pow Wows, as well as a picture of the Vigil Rededication piece from the 1977 SE-1 Conclave. Bruce Johnson sent me a huge set of images for the Section SE-1 page including several issues which I did not even know existed. Thanks Bruce! Larry Johnson of Wahunsenakah 333 helped provide reference information for the Colonial Virginia CSP's and JSP's, as well as informing me of several Lodge 333 NOAC patch delegate variations. He also sent along several images including the 1993 Colonial Virginia JSP, Lodge 333 1999 Holiday Banquet, and all of the Lodge 333 activity patches from 2000, which joined together create an Arrowhead-shaped emblem. Rob Kutz, former prolific author of RWS articles for the NSCS and ASTA collecting publications sent along a scan of the Chesapeake Bay District Fall 2000 Camporee patch. This event was sponsored by the Wicomico Chapter of Lodge 333, and is thus included as a "Chapter Event" emblem on the Lodge 333 Activities page. Rob also provided scans of the Colonial Virginia Council 2001 Jamboree Shoulder patches. Nathan Light of Nawakwa Lodge 3 provided scans of the 1995 and 1999 Camp Chickahominy patches for the Council Camps page. Bill Loeble kindly photographed many rare Area III-C items from his personal collection and sent me the prints to scan, including the 1953 Area III-C Pow Wow necklace and 1956 Area III-C Pow Wow leather patch. Thomas Lovell provided copies of the Kecoughtan Kryer from 1970 and 1972 for scanning and inclusion on the page devoted to the Lodge newsletter. John Pannell provided invaluable assistance in helping me distinguish between the Kecoughtan R4 and R5 issues, even uploading images of both patches to his stellar Internet Guide to OA Insignia web site within a few hours of my request for assistance to help me identify which ones I had. His site devoted to Conclave patches for North Carolina lodges proved very helpful in filling in data for the years Kecoughtan Lodge spent in Section SR-7 with Arrowmen from ten NC lodges. John also kindly granted permission for me to use many images from his site on this one. Bruce Raver sent along a scan of the Peninsula Council RWS to complete the Peninsula Council shoulder emblems page. I still don't have one in my collection, so if you have one to trade or sell, please send me an email. Bruce authored a comprehensive reference on RWS, BWS, WBS, KRS, etc. strips- send him an email for details. Be sure to check out Bruce's excellent web site: RWSworld.com - The Online Resource for RWS Collectors. Greg Robinson, a former Nawakwa 3 member now with Sequoyah 184 in Tennessee, was one of the first contributors to the site when it debuted to the public in mid-June of 1999. Greg sent along a scan of the 463R1, the Section SE-1 jacket patch, the 1970 Area III-C Training Conference patch, and the 1976 SE-1 Conclave hosted by Lodge 317. Greg also sent along a scan of the rare flap-shaped 1954 Area III-C Conclave patch. Rob Russell, currently a Chapter Advisor in Tutelo 161, spent his youth as a member of Amangamek Wipit 470 when it belonged to Area III-C. Rob provided excellent scans of two Kecoughtan hat pins and went far beyond the call of duty by scanning the entire 1968 Area III-C Manual of Lodges and sending it to me for inclusion on this web site. Dave Scocca of Nentico Lodge provided me with these much-appreciated pictures included on the SE-1 page of this web site: SE-1 1975 Indian Seminar leather, SE-1 round leather with R2 design, SE-1 variety of R4 with lighter yellow and no twill and SE Region Standard Section in light purple. Bruce Shelley of Nentico Lodge kindly allowed me to use many excellent scans of rare Area III-C items from his collection. Dawn Smith kindly provided quality scans of the 1981 Old Dominion Area Council JSP and the gold bordered 1993 Colonial Virginia JSP. Herb Smith, Lodge Advisor for Wahunsenekah Lodge, sent a scan of the new Colonial Virginia Council shoulder patch. Herb has also sent images of every Lodge 333 activity patch, the Wahunsenakah Lodge Honor flap, both 2000 NOAC flaps, and provided names of many Kecoughtan Lodge Chiefs with the years they served to help fill in the Kecoughtan Lodge Chiefs page. He is also responsible for providing the photograph of E. Bailey Tudder included on the Site Dedication page. Bob Shotwell helped me get the BWS (blue and white council strip) and WBS (white and blue council strip) from Peninsula Council into my collection. Tim Streagle, former Kecoughtan Arrowman now serving as Camp Ranger for Camp Brady Saunders of Robert E. Lee Council kindly forwarded scans of the first Mattaponi Chapter backpatch, as well as several of the 463 Honor Member patches and 463 activity patches. Tim also supplied scans of two priceless photographs of E. Urner Goodman, Founder of the Order of the Arrow, when he visited Camp Chickahominy in 1976 for the Lodge's 25th Anniversary Celebration. In addition, Tim provided scans of a 463 Hour Slip, Ponder Booklet, hat pin and 25th Anniversary Scorecard. Tim Swingle kindly loaned me the 1971 Area III-C Conclave neckerchief to scan so that I could include a picture of it on this site. Bob Terry kindly sent me a great scan of a rare 1989 Old Dominion SA-3 CSP, now online here. Alex Tyms, former Kecoughtan Lodge and Section SE-8 Chief helped out by providing a list of 463 Chiefs from 1984 through 1989. Alex also entrusted me with an array of Section SE-8 and 463 items to scan and make available on this site. Alex Wiatt, Chairman of the Lodge's 40th Anniversary Committee, kindly loaned me a copy of the 40th Anniversary Lodge History Booklet to scan and make available on the Lodge History page. Mike White, Shenandoah 258 Arrowman and former Chief of Section SR-6B, sent me a great deal of information about Section SE-8 and Area III-C issues, and provided scans of several SE-8 jacket patches and the 1982 SE-8 Indian Seminar patch. Mike is co-webmaster of the excellent Virginia Section Officers Association web site. Theresa Williams of Heart of Texas Trader sent a great scan of the SE-8 chenille prototype. Thanks Theresa! Thanks to these companies for the use of their free and helpful services: FreeFind | FormSite | SurveyMonkey.com | Extreme Tracking | BraveNet Web Services |
How You Can Help |
As you can see from the emblem reference listings, I am missing scans of many items and would deeply appreciate assistance in making them available here. If you have an item which does not have a corresponding scan available here and are willing to either: 1) allow me to borrow it to scan it, 2) trade or sell it to me to add to my collection, or 3) scan it and send me a copy of the scan, please contact me via email <spanky@mac.com>. All those who assist will be properly credited for their kind and thoughtful help in making this web site the definitive online reference for Kecoughtan Lodge 463 emblem history.
Please view my List of Needs! I have compiled this list of items which I know I am missing pictures for. I am sure there are still many items which I am not aware of, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you come across an item which you don't see listed on this site. Additionally, I am in search of documents to chronicle the history of Kecoughtan Lodge, from its founding in 1951 to its merger with Chanco 483 on January 1, 1996. Anything you might be able to share would be appreciated - old Lodge newsletters. Executive Committee meeting minutes, Lodge Directories, press releases, fact sheets, etc. Send me an email and let me know what you can share. |
Web Site References |
The Blue Heron Lodge 349 web site includes one of the most comprehensive and well-done Lodge history page I have seen on any OA Lodge site. I hope that my efforts to chronicle Kecoughtan Lodge's history can someday be even half as informative as the comprehensive history these Arrowmen have assembled.
RWSworld.com - The Online Resource for RWS Collectors is an excellent web site by Bruce Raver devoted to collectors of "red and white" strips, the precursors to the Council Shoulder patches every Scout and Scouter wears today to identify where they are from. Bruce authored a comprehensive reference on RWS, BWS, WBS, KRS, etc. strips- send him an email for details. The Nawakwa Lodge 3 web site has only one page of history, but it previously had a nice Museum with scans of many Lodge 3 flaps and Robert E. Lee Council insignia. The Tutelo Lodge 161 web site included an informative page about Section SR-7A, from which I copied the information about future conclave host lodges and locations. There's also a nicely done Lodge History page which includes information about Tutelo's predecessor Lodges, Koo Koo Ku Hoo 161 and Powhatan 456. The Virginia Section Officers Association web site had former Area and Section officer listings dating all the way back to 1953, as well as listings of Virginia Arrowmen who served above the Section level and recipients of the Distinguished Service Award (now archived on this web site with permission of the original authors). John Pannell's Internet Guide to OA Insignia is an invaluable resource. Check here for images of Kecoughtan emblems that I don't have scans for yet. There are also well over ten thousand images from other lodges. |
Site Index Area III-C/Sections SE-1/SE-8/SR-7/7A | Home | History | Kryer | News Blog | Credits Lodge 463: Activity | Arrowheads | Chapter | Chenille/Jacket/Neckerchief | Fakes | Flaps | Rounds | Other Colonial Virginia Council | Old Dominion Area Council | Peninsula Council | Council Camps Chanco Lodge 483 | Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 Kecoughtan Lodge Alummni Group on FaceBook |
This web site is dedicated to the memory of E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on an Apple Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Please send corrections/additions/suggestions to . |
No part of this electronic publication including text, graphics, database and underlying source code may be reproduced in any form without advance permission of the copyright holder. Use of this site constitutes agreement with its Terms and Conditions of Use. |