Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems - Site Credits
How You Can Help
As you can see from the emblem reference listings, I am missing pictures of many items and would deeply appreciate your assistance in making them available here to help make this site more accurate and complete for everyone.

I have compiled a list of items below which I know I am missing pictures for. I am sure there are still many items which I am not aware of, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you come across an item which you don't see listed on this site.

All those who assist will be properly credited for their kind and thoughtful help in making this web site the definitive online reference for Kecoughtan Lodge 463 emblem history. I prefer scans or photographs with white backgrounds - 72 dpi minimum, 150 dpi preferred.

If you have an item which does not have a corresponding picture available here and are willing to either: 1) allow me to borrow it to scan it, 2) trade or sell it to me to add to my collection, or 3) scan it and send me a copy of the scan, please contact me via email <>. I am more than eager to pay insured express shipping both ways and provide references to assure your peace of mind, and promise to return your items within 48 hours of receiving them.

Additionally, I am in search of documents to chronicle the history of Kecoughtan Lodge, from its founding in 1951 to its merger with Chanco 483 on January 1, 1996. Anything you might be able to share would be appreciated - old Lodge newsletters, Executive Committee meeting minutes, Lodge Directories, press releases, fact sheets, etc. Send me an email and let me know what you can share.


Glenn Chase

Kecoughtan Lodge 463
Kecoughtan Lodge 463
Picture Needs
463x1 - Acorn shape, BRN felt, WHT "W", on light turquoise neckerchief.

463HP8 - Hat pin, Flap shaped, design of S16, FDL
463HP10 - Hat pin, Acorn with Red Arrow, plastic coated

463s1b - cut edge flap, black base material and black backing

463YC1 - acorn shaped chenille prototype with "A63" lettering

463 ZC1 - Reproduction of C1 - Acorn shape chenille with canvas back (gray lettering instead of tan on the original C1 issue)
Kecoughtan Lodge 463
Activity Patch Picture Needs
66 Fall Fellowship
69 Winter Ordeal

70 Fall Fellowship w/"453" number (error)
72 Fall Fellowship (Kiskiack Chapter sponsored)
74 Summer Ordeal
76 Spring Ordeal (Leather)
78 Summer Ordeal
79 Summer Ordeal

80 Winter Ordeal
80 Spring Ordeal
80 Annual Banquet
81 Winter Ordeal

91 40th Vigil Rededication-Leather
92 NOAC (Leather)
94 Summer Ordeal
95 Summer Ordeal
Kecoughtan Lodge 463
Coffee Mug
Picture Needs
CM3 - 1971 Winter Ordeal, Indian with bow in diamond, "Charter National Standard Lodge"
CM4 -1972 Area III-C Pow Wow, brown acorn in green arrowhead
CM5 - 1972 Christmas Banquet, Indian dancer
CM6 - 1973 Christmas Banquet, Vigil sash in acorn inside rectangle
CM7 - 1974 Christmas Banquet, Christmas bell with arrow
CM9 - Neckerchief patch design in blue circle, "Peninsula Council"
CM10 - 75th Anniversary of World Scouting
CM11 - Red OA Logo, "Kecoughtan 463"
Chanco Lodge 483
Chanco Lodge 483
Picture Needs
S2 - White bordered 20th Anniv. flap
S8a - 26mm "Chanco," 10mm high FDL, CD, (1989) YEL name & FDL (s8b has DYL name & FDL)
S10c - 92 Conclave Host, 2mm wide arrow shaft

P2 - Quarter Circle, with FDL, issued on neckerchief
P3 - Quarter Circle, with FDL, computer designed, on neckerchief

J1 - large keyhole, DYL FDL (1978)
J2b - 175mm round, 2 FDL's, LBR face, computer designed (1995) (J2a has BRN face)
YC1 - Diamond, Native American & Deer, SPC Chenille Type 11
Area III-C
Area III-C
Picture Needs
Area 3c-53 pow wow necklace
Area 3c-56 pow wow leather
Area 3c-56 pow wow patch
Area 3c-57 pow wow slide
Area 3c-59 pow wow woven patch
Area 3c-60 pow wow-neckerchief
Area 3c-62 pow wow slide
Area 3c-68 training institute
Area 3c-69 pow wow metal buckle
Area 3c-69 pow wow metal slide
Area 3c-70 pow wow-neckerchief
Area 3c-71 pow wow-neckerchief
Sincere Thanks To... This site could not exist without the vast amount of work already done by others in compiling information about the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and its emblems.

I am deeply indebted to the late Dr. Ron Godby of Yorktown, VA for his authoritative compilation of Order of the Arrow Lodge issues for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Godby's research was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 listings in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog, published in 1996. This site is dedicated to Dr. Godby and the late E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Lodge Advisor for Kecoughtan 463 whose dedication to cheerful service was exceeded by no one. I encourage you to visit the Site Dedication Page for more details about the significant contributions these men made to Kecoughtan Lodge, Peninsula Council, and the national Scouting program.

Below I have tried to list the names of people who have been instrumental in helping me in my effort to provide an online reference of the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and every emblem that it issued. If you helped out and aren't mentioned, please forgive my accidental omission and tell me so that I can correct it.

Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems Site Index
Area/Section: III-C | SE-1 | SE-8 | SR-7/7A | Home | Kecoughtan Lodge History | Site News | Credits
Lodge 463: Activity 50's/60's | 70's | 80's | 90's | Arrowheads | Chapter | Chenille/Jacket/Neckerchief | Flaps | Rounds | Other
Colonial Virginia Council | Old Dominion Area Council | Peninsula Council | Council Camps
Chanco Lodge 483 | Wahunsenakah Lodge 333
Site Guest Book | Search this Site | What's New | Tell a Friend | Send Feedback | Site Survey
This site is dedicated to E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.

The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on a Power Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Issue checklist courtesy of Dr. Ron Godby, used with permission. Please send all corrections/additions/suggestions to Glenn Chase:

This page was last updated on: Tuesday, January 8, 2002 at 1:34 PM.

Copyright © 1999-2002 Glenn Chase. All Rights Reserved
No part of this electronic publication including text, graphics, database and underlying source code may be reproduced in any form without advance permission of the copyright holder. Use of this site constitutes agreement with its Terms and Conditions of Use.