Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems
Please help
identify this
Mystery Patch
Recently I acquired a Kecoughtan Lodge emblem from an ebay auction that I have never seen nor heard of before. At first glance it appears to be an unfinished version of S10, the first Brotherhood version of the Kecoughtan Lodge flap, but on closer inspection you will notice that the S10 patch has the fleur d'lis embroidered in the cap of the acorn, while this patch does not. Additionally, the Brotherhood bars on the S10 flap are noticeably farther away from the ends of the arrow than those on this patch.

The fleur d'lis was added to S6a, the standard issue Kecoughtan flap in 1977 according to information from Dr. Ron Godby, and S10 was issued circa 1987. My suspicion is that this might be a prototype Brotherhood flap which never received approval from the Lodge Executive Committee. Then again, it might just be an unfinished S10 which hasn't had the border and fleur d'lis sewn on yet. Or it could be a fake since Dr. Godby lists a "Z" (fake or unauthorized) computer designed reproduction of S10 discovered at the 1989 Jamboree.

If you have any information about this patch, even idle speculation, I would very much appreciate your sharing it with me! Please send me an email at I will post information as I receive it (with permission of the contributor, of course) on the Site News page.

Mystery Patch
463 Mystery Patch

For a closer look at the patch, check out these high-resolution images:

Front (888 x 423 pixels, 76K)
Reverse (861 x 391, 84K)
images open in a new window

See the Kecoughtan Lodge Flaps page to view all of the Lodge flap emblems issued by Lodge 463 during their 45 year history.

Mystery Patch
Dr. Ronald Aldridge (the original owner of the Lodge 463 mystery patch) provided the following information about this patch and granted permission for me to include it here:

Hi Glen
In those days it was not unusual for someone to write me with patches for sale that were all unfinished patches. People that worked for the patch companies took home samples and sometimes tried to sell them. I ran ads all the time so would get these periodically. Some were unfinished, some were just junk needle breaks. I think this piece came in one of those lots. I gave Dennis things like this because he was always helping me find things I need. It could also have been a prototype. Those came in lots like this occassionally. I got a lot like that once with a 236S issue with 10 different borders:) In those days, these pieces seldom had much premium but were of interest to specialists only. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

MY REPLY: Do you have any idea what year you may have received this?

My guess is 1975-77. I left VA in 77 so if it was 77 it would be early 77. If I was to guess an exact year, that would be 1976.

Several other helpful collectors have responded as well with theories about the patch, though none knew it's true origin. I'll summarize their remarks here as soon as I have compiled them. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas or theories, please share them with me!

How You Can
Help With This
As you can see from the emblem reference listings, I am missing scans of many items and would deeply appreciate assistance in making them available here. If you have an item which does not have a corresponding scan available here and are willing to either: 1) allow me to borrow it to scan it, 2) trade or sell it to me to add to my collection, or 3) scan it and send me a copy of the scan, please contact me via email <>. All those who assist will be properly credited for their kind and thoughtful help in making this web site the definitive online reference for Kecoughtan Lodge 463 emblem history.

Please view my List of Needs!

I have compiled this list of items which I know I am missing pictures for. I am sure there are still many items which I am not aware of, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you come across an item which you don't see listed on this site.

Additionally, I am in search of documents to chronicle the history of Kecoughtan Lodge, from its founding in 1951 to its merger with Chanco 483 on January 1, 1996. Anything you might be able to share would be appreciated - old Lodge newsletters. Executive Committee meeting minutes, Lodge Directories, press releases, fact sheets, etc. Send me an email and let me know what you can share.

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This site is dedicated to E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.

The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on a Power Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Issue checklist courtesy of Dr. Ron Godby, used with permission. Please send all corrections/additions/suggestions to Glenn Chase:

This page was last updated on: Monday, June 25, 2001 at 1:55 AM.

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