Site News 12/00 through 11/01 |
The Kecoughtan Lodge Emblems Site News below has been archived on this separate page to keep the current Site News page smaller and faster to load. Also available are these pages of archived site news: |
Site News: 23 November 2001 |
Here is a neat picture from the early 1970's showing some patch trading activity at a Kecoughtan Lodge Fellowship. If you look closely you'll see some treasured items on the table ... I spotted a Koo Koo Ku Hoo 161 round, a Koo Koo Ku Hoo 161 flap, a Powhatan 456 flap, and an early Nawakwa 3 flap. Do you recognise the traders? If so, let me know! Click on the picture for an enlarged view.
Coming soon ... pictures of the Kecoughtan Lodge Elangomat sashes, plus I am working on a page devoted to unknown and unauthorized (ie, fake) Kecoughtan Lodge issues. I desperately need a picture of the fake Kecoughtan chenille (463 ZC1) which reportedly has gray lettering instead of the red lettering found on the actual acorn-shaped chenille. Thanks to Joseph Klos and Larry Johnson for their scans of the fake Kecoughtan Brotherhood flap. |
Site News: 22 November 2001 |
Happy Thanksgiving! Added picture contributed by Nathan Light (Lodge 333 Wicomico Chapter Jacket Patch) and corrected some Lodge 333 chapter activity patch information. Thanks to Larry Johnson for providing pictures of many Chapter activity patch issues and the picture of an Old Dominion Area Council "Jubilee Jamboree" hat pin from 1985. |
Site News: 21 October 2001 |
Added several images from the 1995 SR-7 Section Conclave, hosted by Nayawin Rar Lodge 296 at Tuscarora Scout Reservation in North Carolina. Check them out on the Section SR-7 page. | ||||||
Site News: 20 October 2001 |
Added scans of the special troop numerals used for the 2001 National Scout Jamboree by Scout attending from Colonial Virginia Council. You can find these on the Colonial Virginia Council page. | ||||||
Site News: 9 October 2001 |
It has been a long time since I have updated this site, mostly due to a lack of submissions from contributors. I hope you will take a moment to look through your Lodge 463 memorabilia and see if you can help fill in some of the missing pictures and information. | ||||||
Site News: 8 October 2001 |
Added images for the 1953 Area III-C Pow Wow necklace and 1956 Area III-C Pow Wow leather patch. These images are courtesy of Bill Loeble, who kindly photographed these rare items from his personal collection and sent me the prints to scan. There are several other Area III-C items he sent photographs of which I plan to scan and add to the Area III-C page very soon. | ||||||
Site News: 23 June 2001 |
Added images for the 1980 SE-1 Conclave neckerchief slide and the 1971 Area III-C Conclave neckerchief to the site. Many thanks to Tim Swingle for entrusting me with this mint condition neckerchief to scan it so that I could include an image on this web site. Dr. Ronald Aldridge (the original owner of the Lodge 463 mystery patch) provided the following information about this patch which I am still seeking details about: Hi Glen In those days it was not unusual for someone to write me with patches for sale that were all unfinished patches. People that worked for the patch companies took home samples and sometimes tried to sell them. I ran ads all the time so would get these periodically. Some were unfinished, some were just junk needle breaks. I think this piece came in one of those lots. I gave Dennis things like this because he was always helping me find things I need. It could also have been a prototype. Those came in lots like this occassionally. I got a lot like that once with a 236S issue with 10 different borders:) In those days, these pieces seldom had much premium but were of interest to specialists only. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Ron MY REPLY: Do you have any idea what year you may have received this? My guess is 1975-77. I left VA in 77 so if it was 77 it would be early 77. If I was to guess an exact year, that would be 1976. Ron |
Site News: 15 June 2001 |
Received an email from a collector of Area III-C items in response to my plea on Patch-L looking for images of many items from the Roy Page auctions. He indicated that he has what he believes to be a complete set of Area III-C memorabilia and promised to send along images of the items I am missing when he gets some time. Great news! |
Site News: 13 June 2001 |
I've been sleuthing to locate former Kecoughtan Lodge Chiefs and have added some more email addresses to the 463 Chiefs page including Ed Dadez (1974-75), Gary Cubbage (1982-83), Lee Clodfelter (1986),and Ryan Kershner (1993-94). I was also able to find Harry Maney, a 463 Arrowman who served as Area III-C Vice-Chief in 1966-67. |
Site News: 12 June 2001 |
Updated the Peninsula Council Emblems page to include two District pages - the Hampton District patch which featured the City of Hampton coat of arms, and the Central District shield. |
Site News: 30 May 2001 |
Added a new page seeking information about a Kecoughtan Lodge mystery emblem I recently acquired from eBay which appears to be either an unfinished Brotherhood flap or an early prototype of one. It could also be a counterfeit issue. Also added a popup window which appears when you first enter the home page to draw attention to the mystery emblem page, but it will only show up once a day, not everytime you arrive at this site.
Please take a moment to check it out and send me an email if you can provide any information (even idle speculation or rumors) about it! I will post information as I receive it (with permission of the contributor, of course, anonymously if requested) here on this news page. I also added a new Site Needs page which details the items which I know I am missing images for. Please have a look and let me know if you can help fill the gaps! |
Site News: 29 May 2001 |
Received two nice patch scans from Nathan Light of Camp Chickahominy patches from 1995 and 1999 now for your viewing pleasure. Note that I need many of the more current Chickahominy patches so feel free to contribute to help me fill in the missing years!
I have been able to get in touch with a few more former Kecoughtan Lodge Chiefs to solicit their assistance in adding items of interest to this site, and have added their email addresses to the Kecoughtan Lodge Chiefs page. Watch that space for more contact info as my sleuthing continues. If you know how to get in touch with any of the people listed on that page I do not have an email address for please let me know! Updated several of the Kecoughtan Lodge activity patch pages with the new javascript code which opens patch images in a new window. Still not finished with all of the pages, but making progress! |
Site News: 23 May 2001 |
Updated the Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 Emblems page and the Area III-C page to include the new javascript code which opens patch images in a new window.
Added scans of four decals loaned to my by Chancie Crowder (1972 Area III-C Pow Wow hosted by Kecoughtan Lodge, 1974 Section SE-1 Conclave hosted by Chanco 483, 1975 Section SE-1 Conclave hosted by Tutelo 161, and the 1971 Lodge 463 Winter Ordeal. After a little research it appears these decals were not sold to the public, but rather were designed to affix to coffee mugs, since there is no mention of decals in the "History to SE-8" booklet memorabilia guide for Area III-C or SE-1 for these events, but coffee mugs were issued. Similarly, I am unable to find mention of any patch or decal issued for the Lodge 463 1971 Winter Ordeal, but a coffee mug was sold for this event. |
Site News: 22 May 2001 |
Added picture of the Lodge 333 Heritage District pocket part issued in 1998 for use with their S2 Lodge flap. | ||||||
Site News: 13 May 2001 |
A reminder that the annual Lodge 333 patch auction held each year to benefit the Bailey Tudder Campership Fund this year occurs at the Spring Ordeal to be held May 18-20 (next weekend).
This gives us little time to send patches to Herb Smith (Lodge 333 Advisor) to benefit a cause which Bailey considered so important. You can contact Herb Smith via email for his postal address to send patches for the auction. |
Site News: 12 May 2001 |
Added a couple of new pictures - a 1978 Camp Chickahominy Staff neckerchief and a 463CM1 - that's the first Kecoughtan Lodge coffee mug! Thanks to Chuck Okleshen for the great photo.
I still need a lot of activity patch scans and more - please see the site news items for 16 April and 27 February for a list of what I need. |
Site News: 11 May 2001 |
Updated the Colonial Virginia Council and Old Dominion Area Council pages to include the new javascript code which opens patch images in a new window. | ||||||
Site News: 10 May 2001 |
Added an image supplied by Rob Kutz of the 2001 Contingent JSP for Colonial Virginia Council which has a gold mylar border instead of the silver mylar border of the fundraiser issue. | ||||||
Site News: 6 May 2001 |
Revised five Lodge 463 emblems pages (Arrowheads, Flaps, Rounds, Chapter, and Chenille/Jacket/Neckerchief) to include new javascript code which opens patch images in a new window (see Site News of 29 April for details on this feature). Also implemented the new javascript code and links on the Peninsula Council Emblems page.
As I get time I will roll this feature out to include all of the pages on this site, but since I must specify the window size for each image manually in the link that means I must do a lot of rather tedious work so please be patient as this will take some time. Now you know why I did the pages with the smallest number of referenced patches first! |
Site News: 5 May 2001 |
Added scans of three Camp patches - a 1966 Chickahominy "Pioneer" patch, another Chickahominy issue which I believe to be from the early/mid 70's with a yellow border and light blue background, and a nice 1972 Camp Siouan patch.
Can anyone provide me with a scan of a Lodge 333 S5? It's the only issue I am missing a picture of for this Lodge. It is the NOAC 96 Delegate flap, issued with X1 pocket patch (pictures a yellow duck in a bathtub), 110 made. This issue has a Light Blue border instead of the purple border of the regular issue. If you have one or know someone who does, please send me an email! |
Site News: 29 April 2001 |
Added listings for Kecoughtan Lodge coffee mugs to the "463 Other" page, with a link to the single mug image (CM8) I have so far. If you can help me out with the rest I would greatly appreciate it! These catalog numbers are from a list compiled by Ron Godby which was published in 1990.
Larry Johnson of Wahunsenakah Lodge came through with excellent scans of the newly-released Lodge 333 neckerchief and 2001 Conclave flap, as well as the very scarce X10 pocket piece issued for delegates to the 1998 NOAC. All of these items are now available for your viewing on the Wahunsenakah Lodge Emblems page. Another new feature of the Lodge 333 page is one which I intend to roll out across this web site as I get time: clicking on an image link will now open a new window sized specifically for the picture, rather than taking putting the image in your current browser window which forces you to go "back" to view the patch reference page. This feature depends upon javascript so if images do not appear for you please be certain that javascript is enabled in your browser preferences. According to server statistics, less than two percent of visitors to this site had javascript disabled, so I don't anticipate this will cause a problem. Please let me know what you think of the new feature! One minor problem with the javascript I currently use is that it will not allow multiple picture windows to be open at the same time. I am actively searching for a new javascript which will allow multiple windows sized specifically for unique images to be open at the same time so that it will be easier to compare patch issues side-by-side. |
Site News: 28 April 2001 |
Added listings for the 2001 Jamboree Shoulder patches to the Colonial Virginia Council emblems page, with image and issue information courtesy of Rob Kutz.
It appears that the NetMind notification service (see the top of this page) is still functioning for this site, despite their earlier warning that it would be disabled at the end of March as they transition to a pay service requiring a mere 795.00/year from webmasters to provide this functionality to their visitors. Maybe they've reconsidered - or maybe they just haven't gotten around to turning if off. |
Site News: 16 April 2001 |
Added scans for some several rare 463 items which I have sought for a long while! Check out the 463L1 (leather flap-shaped patch) and the 463X10 Honor patch. Also, you will find a scan of the staff patch for the 1998 SR-7A Conclave hosted by Tutelo Lodge 161 at Camp Powhatan.
I am still in need of some scans to complete image catalogs, notably: 463x1 (Acorn shape, BRN felt, WHT "W", on light turquoise n/c.) 463HP8-Hat pin, Flap shaped, design of S16, FDL 463s1b-cut edge, black base material and black backing I also need some activity patch scans for Lodge 463 which are details in the 27 February Site News below. |
Site News: 27 March 2001 |
Chuck Okleshen, a former Chanco Lodge member who is now in Blue Heron Lodge, has provided me with nice scans of several 483 activity and conclave patches from the late 60's which I hope to have online here soon. | ||||||
Site News: 27 February 2001 |
Revised and updated the Lodge 463 Activites patch pages for 1950's/1960's, 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's with new information received since their last update. I am still lacking images for a number of Lodge 463 activities - see the list below. If you have any of these in your collection, I would be very grateful for a scan of them. if you do not have a scanner I will happily pay for insured express shipping both ways if you would let me borrow them to scan and return immediately to you.
Lodge 463 Activity Patch scans needed: |
Site News: 26 February 2001 |
Added two images to the site: Lodge 463 1979 Spring Ordeal patch (kindly provided for me to scan by Steve Grover, and Lodge 333 2001 Winter Ordeal (held last weekend) provided by Wahunsenakah Lodge Advisor Herb Smith.
Herb advised me that the annual Lodge 333 patch auction held each year to benefit the Bailey Tudder Campership Fund has been postponed to the Spring Ordeal which will be held May 18-20. This gives us time to send patches to Herb to benefit a cause which Bailey considered so important. I owe a great deal of credit to Bailey for his many positive influences upon me as a youth and try to remember to contribute. I hope you will do the same. You can contact Herb Smith via email for his mailing address to send patches for the auction. |
Site News: 9 February 2001 |
Don Buck, former Treasurer and Vigil honor member of Kecoughtan Lodge, sent me a nice email with helpful date information about the patches from Camp Chickahominy on the Council Camps page. One interesting fact he provided was that the bird on the Camp Okee patch from 1963 is a Kingfisher.
Don also took time to sign the Site Guest Book and I encourage everyone who visits to do the same to help re-establish communications with our fellow Arrowmen. The handy Netmind service will be going away at the end of next month since they recently notified me that their fee for webmasters will be raised from free to an amazing 795.00 a year. That is exactly 795.00 more than this nonprofit site can afford. Should you have any opinions about their new pricing structure I encourage you to share them by sending an email to feedback@netmind.com. If you previously used the NetMind service to receive notification of new updates to this site, or if you would just like to be notified of future site changes or news, please enter your email address in the field below to join an email notification list. You will not receive spam and your address will not be shared with anyone else. It simply allows me to send notices to one address and it lets bcentral handle all of the administrative tasks for subscriptions.
Site News: 7 February 2001 |
Someone in Austria made a mistake in updating their internet Domain Name servers by using old information, effectively disabling many registered domains, including the shortcut link to The Patch Collector's Base Camp (http://start.at/patchcamp).
To visit the Patch Collector's Base Camp you will need to use this URL instead - it's just about as easy to remember: http://www.patchcamp.com If you haven't had a chance to stop by "Patch Camp" lately, I encourage you to visit and explore over 80 direct links to the most helpful and interesting Scout patch collecting resources on the internet! Still no input on who the members pictured below might be. Even if you aren't positive, please email my your best guess! |
Site News: 23 January 2001 |
Rob Kutz, former prolific RWS column author for NSCS and ASTA collecting publications and now a member of Colonial Virginia Council, sent along a scan for the Chesapeake Bay District 2000 Fall Camporee. This event was sponsored by Wicomico Chapter of Wahunsenakah Lodge, and is thus included as a chapter event item on the Lodge 333 Actitivites Issues page.
Also added a few new scans to the Chanco Lodge 483 Emblems page - a 1961 Fall Fellowship patch, a 1981 Spring Fellowship patch, and the 30th Anniversary Chanco Hat Pin. |
Site News: 18 January 2001 |
Do you know who these gentlemen are? I came across this photograph loose in a file folder of items from my days as newsletter editor of the Kecoughtan Kryer. Send me an email if you can identify them!
Added scan of an Old Dominion Area Council RWS to the Old Dominion Area Council page. Also added an image for the 1976 SE Region Training Conference to the SE-1 Emblems page. |
Site News: 7 January 2001 |
Larry Johnson of Wahunsenakah Lodge kindly forwarded me scans of each of the 5 activity patches issued in the year 2000 by Lodge 333. Each is a unique segment which when joined with the others forms a large arrowhead patch. You can find scans of each of the segments as well as the resulting arrowhead on the Lodge 333 Activities Patch page.
I archived six months of prior site news (May-November, 2000) on another page to help this page load faster! |
Site News: 6 January 2001 |
I am in the process of scanning and placing online here the article from the December, 1990 issue of Scouting Collector's Quarterly which originally inspired this web site.
The article, entitled "Insignia and Memorabilia of Kecoughtan Lodge 463," was authored by the late Dr. Ron Godby and his son Jeff. It listed all of the known Kecoughtan Lodge issues, including black and white photographs and was a landmark compendium of Kecoughtan Lodge emblem history. The article was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge information which was published in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog. I hope to have optimized scanned images of the article online here very soon. Watch this News page for an announcement! |
Site News: 4 January 2001 |
Added a few images to the Council Camps page, including a Chickahominy Staff mug with a diamond logo which would appear to be a 25th Anniversary item - can anyone confirm this? Also, a very cool image of an old patch from Camp Waters, the original camp for Old Dominion Council. The patch is an Indian profile with years of attendance indicated with feathers added to the brave's bonnet. The Scout who originally owned this patch attended in 1947, 1948, and 1949. Finally, there's a 1973 Siouan Scout Reservation patch scan. | ||||||
Site News: 3 January 2001 |
Welcome to 2001! I did some checking of the links on the main page and updated a few - the ASTA web site has a new URL and the latest edition of the Blue Book is now downloadable from John Pannell's excellent OA Images web site rather than Kirk Doan's web site. I also trimmed some of the titles in the index to display better in Internet Explorer.
I am gratified that the cumulative visit counter for this site exceeded 1600 today! That may seem like small change compared to places like Yahoo, but considering this site originated as a single web page on AOL listing Kecoughtan Lodge flaps it's come a long way. Many, many thanks to all who have contributed scans and information to help make this the definitive online reference for Lodge 463 emblems and history. See the credits page for details on all of the fine people who have helped out. |
Site News: 15 December 2000 |
Happy Holidays from Austin, Texas (home of the Kecoughtan Lodge Emblems web site) where the temperature in our winter varies from the mid-70's to below freezing!
As you can tell from this Site News page, I've not added a lot of content to this site recently. Part of the reason is that my sources seem to have temporarily dried up in the way of new information or images to add to the site, and the rest is because I have been spending a good deal of time on my latest project, The Scout Patch Collector's Base Camp. If you haven't had a chance to visit the Base Camp yet I hope you will click over and see what you think. Be sure to send me an email with suggestions to help make it the most useful site on the web for Scout Patch Collectors and Traders. While you are in your attic or basement or closets looking for those holiday decorations if you happen to come across some old Kecoughtan Lodge newsletters, patches, meeting notes, etc. please take a moment to set them aside so you can look through them after the holidays and see if there is any information that might be of use here on this site. I am always looking for additional images and data to add to help make this site more accurate and complete. |
Site News: 14 December 2000 |
Added some new images to the site, including an improved 483x2b scan to the Chanco Lodge emblems page, a couple of Camp Chickahominy mug scans and some additional Camp Siouan scans to the Council Camps page, and a1982 SE-1 Conclave neckerchief to the SE-1 page.
Received a nice email recently from Tom Hilton who has taken over responsibilities for The Lord Baden-Powell Award For Scouting Excellence On The World-Wide-Web. As you may remember from previous Site News entries, I applied for consideration of this award back in July of 1999. The Evaluation Team was overwhelmed with hundreds of entries, and under the direction of Hilton is currently reorganizing to tackle the backlog and renew the Award program. This is great news and I encourage everyone with a Scout-related website to learn more about the award criteria and nominate your site for evaluation. Even if you are not a webmaster you can nominate a site which you feel is exemplary. |
Prior Site News | Prior site news has been archived to allow this Current News page to load faster. You can view earlier site news using the links below:
Sincere thanks to ... |
This site could not exist without the vast amount of work already done by others in compiling information about the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and its emblems.
I am deeply indebted to the late Dr. Ron Godby of Yorktown, VA for his authoritative compilation of Order of the Arrow Lodge issues for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Godby's research was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 listings in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog, published in 1996. This site is dedicated to Dr. Godby and the late E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Lodge Advisor for Kecoughtan 463 whose dedication to cheerful service was exceeded by no one. On the Site Credits page I have tried to list the names of people who have been instrumental in helping me in my effort to provide an online reference of the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and every emblem that it issued. If you helped out and aren't mentioned, please forgive my accidental omission and tell me so that I can correct it. |
Area/Section: III-C | SE-1 | SE-8 | SR-7/7A | Home | Kecoughtan Lodge History | Site News | Credits Lodge 463: Activity 50's/60's | 70's | 80's | 90's | Arrowheads | Chapter | Chenille/Jacket/Neckerchief | Flaps | Rounds | Other Colonial Virginia Council | Old Dominion Area Council | Peninsula Council | Council Camps Chanco Lodge 483 | Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 Site Guest Book | Search this Site | What's New | Tell a Friend | Send Feedback | Site Survey |
This web site is dedicated to the memory of E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on an Apple Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Please send corrections/additions/suggestions to . |
No part of this electronic publication including text, graphics, database and underlying source code may be reproduced in any form without advance permission of the copyright holder. Use of this site constitutes agreement with its Terms and Conditions of Use. |