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Site News 1/00 through 4/00 |
The Kecoughtan Lodge Emblems Site News below has been archived on this separate page to keep the current Site News page smaller and faster to load.
Site News on this page spans the duration of January 24, 2000 through April 27, 2000. Also available are these pages of archived site news: |
Site News: 27 April 2000 |
Finally got a new Site Guest Book online! I bailed out of the free Guest-Books.com service after their service became completely unreliable and they failed to answer multiple email inquiries. The new Site Guest Book is provided for free from BraveNet Web Services. It isn't as attractive as its predecessor because the Guest Book configuration options provided by BraveNet aren't as extensive, but it appears to work which is what really counts.
While setting up the new Site Guest Book I decided to encourage everyone who visits this site to leave comments. Previously it was a "Lodge 463 Alumni Registry" but only received four entries. I hope you will take a moment to stop by and leave your comments about the site, whether you were a member of Kecoughtan Lodge or not! |
Site News: 24 April 2000 |
Received a nice email from Joel "Corky" Whitehead, former Kecoughtan Lodge Chief from 1970-1971. Joel is in the Coast Guard and is Captain of the Port of Boston. He kindly advised me that the Guest Book wasn't working and promised to look through his old Lodge memorabilia to see what he could contribute to the site. | ||||||
Site News: 21 April 2000 |
Some new items for you to view have been added throughout the site. First is a flap shaped patch from Camp Chickahominy which I purchased from an ebay auction. It has "Camp Chickahominy" lettering across the top and the words "Trapper Trails" across the bottom. I have been told this was a skill course at the Camp in 1992. Can anyone provide more details about this item?
Added to the SE-1 page are images of a 1976 Conclave neckerchief, and a 1980 Conclave neckerchief. The Area III-C page now has an image of the 1971 Vigil Redication lanyard. There are also a couple of new Camp Siouan neckerchief images on the Council Camps emblems page. |
Site News: 15 April 2000 |
Larry Johnson filled in my last missing activity issue patch for Wahunsenakeh Lodge with an image for the 1999 Fall Fellowship. Be sure to check out the 2000 Winter Ordeal patch scan - Lodge 333 will issue 7 activity patches this year that when assembled together will form a large arrowhead emblem. Lodge members must attend each activity to obtain its patch, which will surely make the completed 333 arrowheads a rare commodity. | ||||||
Site News: 10 April 2000 |
Larry Johnson of Lodge 333 took time to review my listings for Colonial Virginia and Wahunsenakah emblems and sent me information about several delegate issues that I did not know existed. I've updated the Colonial Virginia and Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 pages to reflect the additions. I had to do some renumbering since some of the issues he informed me of were from back in 1998. Since neither Arapaho nor Blue Book currently has information about Lodge 333 issues since 1997 I have assigned numbers to these emblems based upon their order of issue. When Arapaho and Blue Book are updated with "official" issue numbers for these emblems I will revise the listings on this page to reflect them.
Meanwhile, you can have a look at these new images which were provided by Larry Johnson: Colonial Virginia 1993 JSP (silver border), Lodge 333 1999 Holiday Banquet, Lodge 333 2000 Winter Ordeal. The last is particularly interesting - it is the first patch in a series of 7 which when assembled will form an arrowhead shaped backpatch. Lodge 333 members must attend each Lodge event during the year to obtain all 7 patches. |
Site News: 9 April 2000 |
I was happy to discover from access logs that this site is now indexed by most of the major internet search engines, including Yahoo. I've never submitted any pages from this site to any search engine, since I've always considered it a "work in progress" that needs just a little more of this or that before I globally invite public scrutiny. The only publicity I've done for this site is sending a few emails to the Patch-L listserver, so it was interesting to discover that a search for "kecoughtan lodge 463" brings up this site (usually at the top of the list) with most of the major search engines (Excite, Lycos, Altavista, iWon, to name a few).
Even more pleasing is that this site is now linked from the Grand Poobah of Scout Patch Collecting sites - the Troop 24 Virtual Patch Collection. On the bad news front, the site's Guest Book remains broken. It looks like I will indeed have to find another Guest Book service since all of my inquiries to Guest-Books.com have gone unanswered. For awhile the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Alumni Guest Book was offline completely - clicking on the link to it took you to the main page for Guest-Books.com instead. Now it appears to be viewable again, but all attempts to submit information fail. If you have suggestions for a good guest book service which won't assault the senses with multiple banner ads please let me know. |
Site News: 29 March 2000 |
I finally got the 1957 Area III-C Manual of Lodges online. This excellent reference was compiled as a service to the Area by Jere Williams, Area Chief (Lodge 470) and Ray Garrabrandt, Editor (Lodge 276). Painstakingly typed and photocopied with images of each lodge's emblem, this document features great profiles of each lodge including their history and explanations of the symbols included on their patch. Also available on this site is the 1963 version of the Area III-C Manual of Lodges.
Also now available here, courtesy of Chancie Crowder who kindly loaned it to me, is the excellent reference History to SE-8 . Published in 1984,it includes a vast amount of reference material for Area III-C, Section SE-1, and the first years of Section SE-8. Using information from this reference I was able to fill in a lot of missing information on the Area III-C page and added information about past Chiefs, Advisors, and Leaders. History to SE-8 also includes individual pages devoted to each lodgde with profiles and pictures similar to the Area III-C Manual of Lodge publications. I also archived all news prior to 2000 on another separate page to help this one load faster. |
Site News: 27 March 2000 |
Lots of new images for you to view. I finally completed the Kecoughtan Lodge Chapter patches page with images for the Pamunkey computer designed jacket patch and the computer designed version of the Mattaponi jacket patch. There are many new images on the Peninsula Council page, including a Yorktown Bicentennial patch, a Yorktown-Jamestown Trail patch, a Peninsula Council CSP-shaped hat pin, and more. I added a 1982 Camp Chickahominy patch to the Council Camps page, a 483 P1 to the Chanco Lodge page, and replaced the previous images for the Colonial Virginia gold bordered 1997 JSP and 463s1a with new ones that I scanned from recently received patches to get optimal quality. | ||||||
Site News: 26 March 2000 |
Updated the Colonial Virginia Council page to include their new CSP issue in celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Scouting. University of North Carolina won the South Regional NCAA Tournament here in Austin today to qualify for the Final Four. Go Tar Heels! My Longhorns got bounced in the second round by LSU. | ||||||
Site News: 22 March 2000 |
Started making changes to page footers to include the new Old Dominion Area Council page and the Council Camps page which was added to this site last November. Also reorganized the main page index at the top.
Looks like the Kecoughtan 463 Alumni Guest Book may need to be rebuilt on another service. Guest-Books.com appears to be serving up a generic main page instead of guest books from their service these days and I've not had any replies to their support email address after sending inquiries about this. Let me know if you have recommendations for free guest book services. |
Site News: 16 March 2000 |
I've added a page for Old Dominion Area Council which currently offers information about and images of their Council Shoulder patches and the only JSP I am aware of they issued. Please let me know if you are aware of other JSP's from this council or can help out with other Council emblems like the Old Dominion Area Council red and white shoulder patch. | ||||||
Site News: 15 February 2000 |
Herb Smith, Lodge Advisor for Wahunsenakah 333, provided the following details about my recently acquired Jamboree Shoulder Patch issues from Peninsula and Colonial Virginia Councils:
"In 1985, there was a problem with communications and patch orders from the office, the 'JAMBO' patch was a special purchase, 1 per contingent member. The gold border CSP was a bulk order for general sale. In '97 there were two issues of the same CSP, the gold border was issued to the contingent members, initial limit of 3 per, with an additional purchase limit of 5 each (4 contingent troops plus those registered on staff). The white border CSP was available for general purchase (fund raiser) at the Scout office." |
Site News: 12 February 2000 |
Steve Delman provided an image of the Colonial Virginia 1997 JSP with a yellow border (rather than white). I am still trying to find out what the difference was between the white and yellow bordered 97 JSP's from Colonial Virginia Council, as well as why Peninsula Council had two different JSP's for the 1985 National Jamboree. I suspect in both cases one variety was the actual delegate issue while the other was a "trader" issue, but I haven't been able to confirm it yet. If you know, please send me an email!
Be sure to check out Steve and Elisa Delman's excellent CSP reference The Boy Scout Council Shoulder Patch Guide. It's printed in gorgeous full color and features pictures of each Council's current CSP as well as information about what the patch design represents. I really enjoyed reading this book and learned a lot about the places my patches came from. Highly recommended for beginning and seasoned collectors alike. |
Site News: 9 February 2000 |
Added images for two 1985 JSP's from Peninsula Council on the Peninsula Council page. Added copyright information at the bottom of all pages. | ||||||
Site News: 8 February 2000 |
Finally added a VOTING PAGE to let visitors vote for their favorite Kecoughtan Lodge flap patch. Check it out and let me know what you think! | ||||||
Site News: 6 February 2000 |
Added images for Chanco Lodge 483s3b and 483s9 issues. I have recently acquired a 1957 version of the Area III-C Manual of Lodges and plan to have it scanned and online here very soon. Like the 1963 version already available here, the 1957 edition includes images of each lodge's patch, plus great profiles of the lodges including their history and explanations of the symbols included on their emblems. | ||||||
Site News: 30 January 2000 |
I finally got to add the many Section SE-1 images that Bruce Johnson sent back in early December. Check out the SE-1 issues page to view them, including 5 different rounds, Indian Seminar issues for 1976, 1978, and 1980 (a cool leather patch with the Kecoughtan Acorn emblem!), plus conclave backpatches for 1976 and 1979, and the elusive 1974 Conclave pocket patch which completes the SE-1 conclave pocket patches! Thanks Bruce! | ||||||
Site News: 29 January 2000 |
I found scans of two additional 463 hat pins (HP2 and HP6) which were loaned to me by Alex Tyms so I added them to the Hat Pin checklist on the 463 "Other" issues page. I still need scans of 7 of the 10 hat pins which Kecoughtan Lodge issued, so please look in your collection to see if you can help! | ||||||
Site News: 27 January 2000 |
Tim Streagle also sent along a scan of a 463 Hat Pin, which prompted me to add a checklist for them on this web site. The list was originally provided (along with so many others) by the late Dr. Ron Godby - you can find it on the 463 "Other" issues page, along with a link to the HP1 hat pin! If you have other 463 hat pins which you can provide scans for, let me know! | ||||||
Site News: 26 January 2000 |
Arvid Englund of Tutelo 161 sent along a great scan of the pocket patch for the 1967 Area III-C Pow Wow hosted by Shenandoah 258. Be sure to check it out! | ||||||
Site News: 24 January 2000 |
Happy New Year! This site has been dormant for awhile as my time has been consumed by family and work obligations. Now that the holidays are over you can expect to see more new items appearing here soon.
Tim Streagle, former Kecoughtan Arrowman now serving as Camp Ranger for Camp Brady Saunders of Robert E. Lee Council kindly forwarded scans of two priceless photographs of E. Urner Goodman, Founder of the Order of the Arrow, when he visited Camp Chickahominy in 1976 for the Lodge's 25th Anniversary Celebration. In addition, Tim provided scans of a 463 Hour Slip, Ponder Booklet, and 25th Anniversary Scorecard. All of these items are linked on the Lodge History page. I still need to get the SE-1 images from Bruce Johnson prepared for posting and update that Emblem page. Stay tuned ... |
Sincere thanks to ... |
This site could not exist without the vast amount of work already done by others in compiling information about the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and its emblems.
I am deeply indebted to the late Dr. Ron Godby of Yorktown, VA for his authoritative compilation of Order of the Arrow Lodge issues for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Godby's research was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 listings in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog, published in 1996. This site is dedicated to Dr. Godby and the late E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Lodge Advisor for Kecoughtan 463 whose dedication to cheerful service was exceeded by no one. On the Site Credits page I have tried to list the names of people who have been instrumental in helping me in my effort to provide an online reference of the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and every emblem that it issued. If you helped out and aren't mentioned, please forgive my accidental omission and tell me so that I can correct it. |
Area/Section: III-C | SE-1 | SE-8 | SR-7/7A | Home | Kecoughtan Lodge History | Site News | Credits Lodge 463: Activity 50's/60's | 70's | 80's | 90's | Arrowheads | Chapter | Chenille/Jacket/Neckerchief | Flaps | Rounds | Other Colonial Virginia Council | Old Dominion Area Council | Peninsula Council | Council Camps Chanco Lodge 483 | Wahunsenakah Lodge 333 Site Guest Book | Search this Site | What's New | Tell a Friend | Send Feedback | Site Survey |
This web site is dedicated to the memory of E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on an Apple Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Please send corrections/additions/suggestions to . |
No part of this electronic publication including text, graphics, database and underlying source code may be reproduced in any form without advance permission of the copyright holder. Use of this site constitutes agreement with its Terms and Conditions of Use. |