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Copyright Information |
While the information on this site is from a number of sources, it represents many long hours of research and effort on my part to provide those who are interested with a comprehensive and authoritative reference on the topics this site covers.
Please be aware of and follow the Terms and Conditions of Use detailed below. If you have any question or would like further clarification, you are invited to contact Glenn Chase, the developer of this site. |
Terms and Conditions of Use |
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site is an electronic publication by Glenn Chase. The contents of this site are protected by applicable copyright laws, and your use of this site is subject to those same laws. You are expected to observe the following rules: You may retrieve the contents of this site, in whole or in part, and make and print copies of that content for your own personal use. You may create links into any document included in this site from other web documents to enable others to access contents of this site. You may not modify the contents of this site or create derivative works without the prior written consent of Glenn Chase. You may not remove or modify the copyright and trademark notices which appear on this site. You may not make any commercial use of the content found on this site without the prior written consent of Glenn Chase. This includes distributing copies to others for commercial purposes, or including content such as scanned images found here on distributed media or on a web site. If you have any doubt about whether a particular use of the content found on this site is permitted or prohibited, please contact Glenn Chase. Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of the information presented within these pages, however, users agree not to hold the author of this site liable for any damages resulting from the use or misuse of this information. |
Sincere thanks to ... |
This site could not exist without the vast amount of work already done by others in compiling information about the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and its emblems.
I am deeply indebted to the late Dr. Ron Godby of Yorktown, VA for his authoritative compilation of Order of the Arrow Lodge issues for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Godby's research was the basis for the Kecoughtan Lodge 463 listings in the first edition of the Blue Book Standard Order of the Arrow Insignia Catalog, published in 1996. This site is dedicated to Dr. Godby and the late E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Lodge Advisor for Kecoughtan 463 whose dedication to cheerful service was exceeded by no one. On the Site Credits page I have tried to list the names of people who have been instrumental in helping me in my effort to provide an online reference of the history of Kecoughtan Lodge and every emblem that it issued. If you helped out and aren't mentioned, please forgive my accidental omission and tell me so that I can correct it. |
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This web site is dedicated to the memory of E. Bailey Tudder, longtime Kecoughtan Lodge Advisor, and Dr. Ron Godby, former 463 Arrowman and co-author of the most comprehensive reference on Lodge 463 emblem issues.
The Kecoughtan Lodge 463 Emblems web site was created by Glenn Chase on an Apple Macintosh with absolutely zero Microsoft products. All images presented are protected with a digital watermark, and are the exclusive property of Glenn Chase, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. No commercial usage of these images is allowed without prior consent. Please send corrections/additions/suggestions to . |
No part of this electronic publication including text, graphics, database and underlying source code may be reproduced in any form without advance permission of the copyright holder. Use of this site constitutes agreement with its Terms and Conditions of Use. |